Call center: Luni - Vineri: 08:00 - 20:00 tel: 0264/917Contact
Call center: Luni - Vineri: 08:00 - 20:00 tel: 0264/917Contact

Petean Vlad

Kinetoterapeut în afecțiuni neurologice, ortopedice și reumatice


Kinetoterapeut în afecțiuni reumatologice, ortopedice și post-traumatice
Zensegrity Full Practitioner
Instructor certificat Oxygen Advantage (Advanced Breathing Instruction for Health and Sports)
Instructor certificat TRX-Suspension Training, TRX-Force, TRX-Sports Medicine, TRX Functional Training
Instructor certificat Trigger Point - Grid Foam Roller level 1 si MCT (Myofascial Compression Technique) level 2
Instructor certificat FMS Level 1 si Level 2
Instructor certificat Let`s Bands Level 1
Instructor certificat Kinesio-Taping Basic si Advanced
Mcgill Method level 1 - Foundation for the pain-free back
Mcgill Method level 2 - Assessment: Converging on a precise diagnosis
Mcgill Method level 3 - High Performance Training: Progressing backs from pain to performance
Myofascial Release Technique
Curs Sounder Sleep System


Medstar Bază de recuperare - Policlinica Zorilor

Luni07:30 - 17:00
Marți07:30 - 17:00
Miercuri07:30 - 17:00
Joi07:30 - 17:00
Vineri07:30 - 17:00